
Postales is a collection of images, experiences, memories and emotions made of songs. In effect, the twelve pieces of the new recording album are fond stories with daily voyage images.

The portraits of them are from an exquisite height, thanks to the care, imagination and affection that Gaby Moreno put in letters and in her voice, more and more mature and intense blues-minded. But also, at that very particular aesthetic that she puts on her records, including the obvious blues, folk, jazz with elements of soul, rhythm and blues and sixties rock.

Postales is an album that shines beautifully thanks to the talent, experience, progress and innovation that Gaby Moreno imposes in it. Here are stories, postcards of people whose lives are in different states and stages, and a wide mix of feelings, that she plays with her sweet, fragile and intense voice, that rhymes with a smooth and wonderful musical veil, to imprint color and fidelity. Just like postcards do.

– Jorge Sierra
